Michael Buble's How Can You mend a Broken Heart?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Autism leaving you speechless?

What does Autism Look like?  Can you simply look at a child and say with certaintly that he has autism or aspergers'?  Well I am beginning to see a side of Autism and Aspergers that would probably suprise you....pure brilliance!  Just two of the wonderful kids we have had the pleasure to learn of in recent months are Picasso and Michaelangelo of 2011.  They are on the "spectrum," yet the spectrum they have to show us is nothing like your imagination has probably pondered. Autism and Artist!  Now, who's the one who's speechless?  Right now, it's me.  When I see the beauty and sheer genius of these kids, I am blown away and every bit of presumption I ever had is out the window.  What do I know anyway?  The first two exhibits were created by the Picassco of McAllen, Anthony Rivera.  So, tell me again what does autism look like?  I encourage parents to get iPads and AAC devices to the extent speech language pathologists feel one/both devices are appropriate for their kids.  These kids are very visual and I can relate but not to this degree.  We hope to help these kids reach the stars!  Rick Carter will be riding a bike 60 miles through San Antone and end up at an exhibit for Anthony near the Alamo!  I think you aren't likely to be forgetting the Alamo after seeing this kids' work! 


While we miss Grant being Atty4kids' Autism Spokesman, we know that he's speaking a bit louder with the help of major sponsors and we are thrilled to see these kids succeed when you all thought they couldn't!  You haven't seen anything yet.

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's always darkest before the dawn

Many men and women alike suffer in silence from depression, withdrawing from the World and losing the vital lives they once enjoyed.  Recovery is always possible but not necessarily in our time frame.  At times in life, we simply "walk through the valley of the shadow of death" but sometimes it's more serious than that.  Depression is a true illness and affects millions of Americans.  Antidepressants are the stable of most pharmaceutical companies these days, such is the day we live in. But when you find yourself or a loved one unsually down for too long, do not allow them to suffer in silence.  Reach out your heart and hand and pull them back up.  God bless you all and we believe someday we will beat this horrible disease.

You don't look sick?

How often have you wanted to punch someone who said this to you or loved ones suffering from things you cannot see but they still exist?  If a tree falls in the woods and you do not hear it, did it happen?  Probably so.  While some disabilities are quite obvious, this is no usually true.  Can you look at a picture and know whether someone has suffered from aspergers' depression bipolar, chronic pain, anxiety, or a long list of ailments?  Do you see cancer unless it has become so advanced it is clear?  Can you see HIV?  Does this make you reconsider invadiating the experience of others?  It should.  There are hypochrondriacs in the World who truly are not sick but simply think it so. I should know, having been raised by the best.  But usually, this presumption is just that, presumption.  Compassion means listening and believing without the jaded presumption that comes wit 40 or 50 years.  Most that suffer from "invisible disabilities" suffer twice over once for the disability and twice for the ostracizing they receive from family members and others who refuse to acknowledge the reality of their lives.  Sometimes all they need is support--a pretty inexpensive gift so easy and yet so hard.

Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia, with hope faith and courage

This is the picture of a person suffering who fibromyalgia pain and common pressure points.  Truly revealing but it could not be more accurate!  At times, the pain is truly unbearable.  Yet, I know in my heart that this too shall pass.  Most things do.  But undeniably what is predominately women who suffer from Fibromyalgia will tell you that this is deniably the reality of their lives.  I do believe and that is one place where science and I diverge.  Doctors will give you band aids to mast the pain but usually the root remains.  We hope to provide solutions in nutrition, natural supplements, and just plain miracles--God's specialty--so that you can walk out of this and be among the recovered.  So awareness is critical because hope is sometimes all we have.  But our God is an awesome God!  He reigns from Heaven above, with widsom, power and love..our God is an awesome God!  So pray, believe and support one another as you spread awarenes that anthing is possible to Him who believes!  

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - A silent war

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been the subject of much debate with those who have not suffered its debilitating effects claiming it does not exist.  For those of us who have suffered, I honor you by saying "I feel your pain" in no joking sense and I affirm that this is far from imaginery and very real for those that suffer. But let me ask you this, Is God still sitting on the Throne in Heaven?  Is God still God?  Yes HE is!  And the disability could be vey much fill in the blank as He is quite capable of handling it.  I do not mean to minimize the suffering of many I personally know. I know it's real.  My message is "All things are possible to Him who believes."  This is one of many talents the Lord of our Universe has and this is not a problem for Him.  I have yet to find a scripture that says, Healing is the Children's bread, unless it's depression, chronic fatigue or pain.  Believe on the Lord.  Research and use wisdom.  The journey is long but there is a glorious light at the end of this horrible tunnel.  I pray for your recovery.

Life without Butterflies

What a beautiful quote providing a deep sense of hope that recovery is possible even from disabilities which seem to last forever, "If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies." I truly wish I knew the author's identify as I would say thank you for reminding me of the beauty that is all around me even when I feel pain that seems just beyond my comprehension to bear as a sufferer of fibromyalgia.  What is it about butterflies that has seized the love of the disability community, from Autism to Fibromyalgia?  Maybe it is their symbolism of a beautiful life just around the corner and transformation that only God can do.  I pray for all of you who suffer in silence and those like me, who are not at all silent in the face of pain and adversity. Quite the cry baby and yet this is a gentle reminder that recovery is possible.  We simply must believe in Whom we have come to believe and wait for our miracle.  May you all be blessed and healed in your journeys and given the wisdom to help others who suffer as you once did.

Announcing Invisible Disibilities Inc.

Welcome and Thank You for supporting our cause, which may be found on Facebook.  We intend to associate with a network of other nonprofits and advocacy groups to fill the gaps where our support, advocacy and fundraising can be utilized to help those who many would never know are disabled.  These individuals suffer invisible disabilities because you and I cannot see them but they are certainly present and they suffer.  We hope to provide education and awareness for the time being to alert the public of the many people who suffer and need support.  God Bless, Crystal and Brandon range from the heartland of Kansas to Miama, Florida and all in between.  But one thing is clear, theya re committed to eliminate the invisible aspect of many disabilities so that awareness brings support and services to those in need!  Welcome to our community.